Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a frustrating experience for women, often complex for managing clinicians and is a scientific challenge for researchers.
PCOS is the most common endocrine abnormality in reproductive-age women.
The cause of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is not completely understood. It is believed that abnormal levels of the pituitary hormone - luteinizing hormone (LH) and high levels of male hormones (androgens) interfere with normal function of the ovaries. To explain how these hormones cause symptoms, it is helpful to understand the normal menstrual cycle.
Normal menstrual cycle — the brain (including the pituitary gland), ovaries, and uterus normally follow a sequence of events once per month; this sequence helps to prepare the body for pregnancy. Two hormones, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and LH, are made by the pituitary gland. Two other hormones, progesterone and estrogen, are made by the ovaries.

During the first half of the cycle, small increases in FSH stimulate the ovary to develop a follicle that contains an egg (oocyte). The follicle produces rising levels of estrogen, which cause the lining of the uterus to thicken and the pituitary to release a very large amount of LH. This midcycle "surge" of LH causes the egg to be released from the ovary (called ovulation) . If the egg is fertilized by a sperm it develops into an embryo which travels through the fallopian tube to the uterus. After ovulation, the ovary produces both estrogen and progesterone, which prepare the uterus for possible embryo implantation and pregnancy.
Menstrual cycle in PCOS — in women with PCOS, multiple small follicles (small cysts 4 to 9 mm in diameter) accumulate in the ovary, hence the term polycystic ovaries. None of these small follicles are capable of growing to a size that would trigger ovulation. As a result, the levels of estrogen, progesterone, LH, and FSH become imbalanced.
The changes in hormone levels described above cause the classic symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), including absent or irregular and infrequent menstrual periods, increased body hair growth or scalp hair loss, acne, and difficulty becoming pregnant.
Menstrual irregularity — if ovulation does not occur, the lining of the uterus (called the endometrium) does not uniformly shed and regrow as in a normal menstrual cycle. Instead, the endometrium becomes thicker and may shed irregularly, which can result in heavy and/or prolonged bleeding. Irregular or absent menstrual periods can increase a woman's risk of endometrial overgrowth (called endometrial hyperplasia)
Women with PCOS usually have fewer than six to eight menstrual periods per year. Some women have normal cycles during puberty, which may become irregular if the woman becomes overweight.
Weight gain and obesity — PCOS is associated with gradual weight gain and obesity in about one-half of women. For some women with PCOS, obesity develops at the time of puberty.
Hair growth and acne — Male-pattern hair growth (hirsutism) may be seen on the upper lip, chin, neck, sideburn area, chest, upper or lower abdomen, upper arm, and inner thigh. Acne is a skin condition that causes oily skin and blockages in hair follicles
Insulin abnormalities — PCOS is associated with elevated levels of insulin in the blood. Insulin is a hormone that is produced by specialized cells within the pancreas; insulin regulates blood glucose levels. When blood glucose levels rise (after eating, for example), these cells produce insulin to help the body use glucose for energy.
● If glucose levels do not respond to normal levels of insulin, the pancreas produces more insulin. Excess production of insulin is called hyperinsulinemia. If blood glucose levels continue to rise despite increased insulin levels, the person is said to have type 2 diabetes.
Infertility — many women with PCOS do not ovulate regularly, and it may take these women longer to become pregnant. An infertility evaluation is often recommended after 6 to 12 months of trying to become pregnant.
There is no single test for diagnosing polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). You may be diagnosed with PCOS based upon your symptoms, blood tests, and a physical examination. Expert groups have determined that a woman must have two out of three of the following to be diagnosed with PCOS:
● Irregular menstrual periods caused by anovulation or irregular ovulation.
● Evidence of elevated androgen levels. The evidence can be based upon signs (excess hair growth, acne, or male-pattern balding) or blood tests (high androgen levels).
● Polycystic ovaries on pelvic ultrasound.
If PCOS is confirmed, blood glucose and cholesterol testing are usually performed. An oral glucose tolerance test is the best way to diagnose prediabetes and/or diabetes.
Homeopathic medicines helps in the restoration of hormonal imbalance, thus regularize the disturbed menstrual cycle and also the unwanted hair growth, acne, over-weight are effectively reduced.
Homeopathy offers effective treatment for PCOD and infertility related diseases, where we focus on revitalizing the disturbed chemical messenger balance i.e. the hormonal balance within the body with our genetic constitutional similimum treatment
Our homeopathic medicines assists body to build-up its immune system and to regain its natural strength so that the ovarian cysts are dissolved/removed on its own without any surgical procedure, thus ensuring permanent cure in a natural manner without any painful surgical procedures or side-effects.